This week’s E-News will be a bit different, but we felt like it was important to remind all of us to be in prayer for our brothers and sisters around the world. We have a specific and urgent request regarding our mission in Bangladesh as well as several other concerns from across the span of Global Reach Ministries.
Earlier today we received news that the caretaker at the Khanjanpur campus of the Bangladesh Mission was brutally attacked and beaten yesterday by four men. His injuries were serious enough that it necessitated a transfer to a hospital in Bogra where he is undergoing further treatment and evaluation. Please pray for healing for this dear brother as he recuperates.
We would also request prayer for the safety of our staff and leaders of the mission, particularly at Khanjanpur. We’ve received credible reports that there is a very real threat to the safety of the staff and leadership of the mission. Please pray for their safety, protection and well-being. Pray that those individuals seeking to do harm and bring violence would be brought to justice and their efforts thwarted. Pray that our brothers and sisters there would bear witness to Jesus amid such heartbreaking and difficult circumstances and that they would not grow weary in doing good. Pray that they would be encouraged and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
In addition to this very specific request, we’d also like to remind you to continue to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world as they navigate the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re watching the data reports on cases, you may already be aware that several areas of the world are seeing very serious spikes in positive cases. This would include the countries of Bangladesh, India and Brazil and we received word this week that Venezuela is also seeing a very serious spike in positive cases of COVID-19. Please prayerfully lift our brothers and sisters in these nations (and in other nations as well) as they deal with the challenges that arise because of the pandemic. In some locations we understand that lock-downs are being reinstated or other pressures are being placed upon our brothers and sisters as they seek to do the work of making disciples and bearing witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are grateful for your partnership in ministry and appreciate your prayers on behalf of our brothers and sisters around the world.
Christ’s Peace,
CGGC eNews—Vol. 15, No. 15