This week I want to make you aware of several resources that might prove helpful in navigating these difficult days we’re all living through.
Race, Justice and the Church
Our friends at Winebrenner Theological Seminary ( and the Winebrenner Alumni Association are hosting an online event on Race, Justice and the Church this coming Thursday, July 30th from 7:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. (EDT). Dr. Andrew Draper from Urban Light Community Church in Muncie, IN will be the featured speaker. Andrew is a member of our General Conference Administrative Council as well as a dear friend and brother! I’m so grateful for the way that our brothers and sisters at Urban Light are leading by example in this important issue. It will be well worth your time.
Plan to join in this important discussion. The Zoom link is below, but you will need to request the password to join the meeting. To obtain the Zoom meeting password, email Alumni Coordinator, Katie Erickson, at
Zoom link:…
Meeting ID: 929 5956 6355

Resilient Church Academy
Our friends at Fresh Expressions ( have developed twelve in-depth tracks on relevant skills and strategies for church leaders navigating the constraints and opportunities of the new world we’re inhabiting. Each of these tracks are made up of four, two-hour sessions designed to move from theory to practice. Most of the options begin the week of August 10th with some of the others beginning in September.
While none of us can predict the future, it’s becoming clearer that we’re not going back to normal anytime soon and there are a multitude of opportunities to engage in vibrant, life-changing, Gospel-centered ministry for those who are willing to rethink their approach in light of our current circumstances (and it might be more fun and fruitful than trying to figure out how to reopen public worship services in a safe manner!).
You can find all the information at – If you use the discount code CGGC10 you will receive 10% the registration fee price.
House Church: From One Congregation to a Network of House Churches
Transforming Congregations: A New Kind of Local Church for a New Mission Reality
Social Media: Go from Simple to Savvy in Four Sessions
Navigating Change: Transformative Change in a Transitional Culture
Digital Ministry: How to Use Websites, Email, Social Media & Live-streaming to Build Community, Make Disciples and Glorify God
Trauma Healing: How to Be an Avenue of Healing for Congregations, Communities and the World
Love and Unity: Real Talk About Race
Dinner Church: Re-Imagining Your (Larger) Congregation as Movement of (Smaller) Dinner Churches
Listening for Mission: Engaging Incarnational Mission in Quarantined and Post-Quarantined Contexts
CQ: Contextual Intelligence: Increasing Your Contextual Intelligence to Navigate the Now, Next, and New Reality
Innovative Problem Solving: Solving the Challenges in Front of You (and Those on the Horizon)
Distanced Worshipping: How to Inspire Worship when You’re Online, Can’t Sing and Other Pandemic Problems
Some of the pathways forward are going to look much smaller and much different than what we’ve known in the past. I’d encourage you to pull together a group of your fellow disciples and explore what God might be calling you to do in this next season of navigating COVID-19. Our friends at Fresh Expressions have come up with some incredible offerings to help you thrive through this season.
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
Almost everyone I know and talk with has expressed a certain degree of exhaustion and emotional fatigue over the past four months of traversing the new terrain of life in the midst of a pandemic. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the ministry of Pete Scazzero and Emotionally Healthy Discipleship ( I’d encourage you to visit the website and take advantage of the many resources available to you and your church – most of which are free!
A long time ago, I came to realize that my emotional immaturity was going to hold me back in my pursuit of Christ. Through God’s grace and the resources from Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, I’ve been able to grow in my ability to understand and deal with all of life’s emotions in a healthier, more Christ-like manner. I’m still on the journey, but I’m not where I used to be!
As a matter of fact, as the pandemic began to roll across the country back in March, I was quick to re-connect with some of the resources at Emotionally Healthy Discipleship to help me navigate these last few difficult months. I think some of you will find the resources there to be a great help in your pursuit of Jesus.
I know it’s been a long and tiring journey these last few months and I know that we’re a long way from being done with the journey. Reach out for some help!
Christ’s Peace,
CGGC eNews—Vol. 14, No. 30