I’m taking a brief break from the middle of our current series: relate, repeat and reframe to bring you some sad news from the country of Haiti.
The country of Haiti is facing another round of turmoil, violence and upheaval. Haiti is always a difficult and challenging place to do ministry and in recent months it has become even more so. The current fuel shortage is impacting lots of people throughout the country right now.
Mike and Dawn VanDervort, who serve with our Project Help ministry in Haiti are safe in the United States. They were due to return to Haiti this past Wednesday but had to change those plans on the advice of our Haitian staff in Pierre Payen. They are anxious to return to Haiti as soon as it’s reasonable to do so.
Our hospital at Pierre Payen reported running out of fuel last night which results in no water or electricity because of the lack of generator power. I’ve been informed that the hospital was able to procure some fuel this morning and that is certainly good news.
I’d like to encourage you to make the country of Haiti a matter of serious prayer over the next several days. They are in desperate need for spiritual breakthrough. Decades of corruption, spirit-breaking poverty and hopelessness have wreaked havoc on the beautiful people of this nation and it seems that they are coming to a critical crisis point.
My guess is that many of you may not be aware of this present crisis facing the country of Haiti. It seems as if our leaders in Washington provide more than enough fodder to keep our news cycles busy and so news from Haiti doesn’t often make our headlines or capture the attention of the network news programs. Whether it makes our news or not, Haiti needs our prayers right now.
Pray for Haiti. Pray that God would do a great work there to break through the corruption, devastation and hopelessness and bring about the flourishing that He intends for all His creation. Pray for our many brothers and sisters in Haiti who have to endure tense moments like this that interrupt almost every aspect of living out their normal daily lives. Pray for our sister congregations in Haiti: that they would not be discouraged or overwhelmed by their difficult circumstances and that God would work through this current crisis to draw people to Himself. Pray for the VanDervorts and our Global Reach staff as they assess and discern the situation in Haiti and how to proceed with wisdom and prudence.
I would love to see our congregations across the CGGC dedicate some time this Sunday morning in your worship gatherings to offer up petitions on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Haiti and the nation of Haiti. Diplomacy and foreign involvement have failed to bring lasting change to Haiti. The challenges of Haiti will not be solved through human ingenuity but rather through God’s movement and intervention in this nation that so desperately needs to experience the grace and power of God in genuine and fresh ways.
Please pray that God would work in a powerful way in Haiti. Pray that His kingdom would come and His will would be done in Haiti as it is in Heaven!
Christ’s Peace,
CGGC eNews—Vol. 13, No. 38