
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 3

I recently returned from a visit to our ministries in Asia (I’m going to refrain from using names of countries, places or people due to the increasing difficulty of operations in some of these contexts: many of our field staff are facing increasing scrutiny, opposition and pressure. Since these updates are easily found on the… Continue reading Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 3


Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 2

I recently returned from a visit to our ministries in Asia (I’m going to refrain from using names of countries, places or people due to the increasing difficulty of operations in some of these contexts: many of our field staff are facing increasing scrutiny, opposition and pressure. Since these updates are easily found on the… Continue reading Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 2


Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 1

I recently returned from a visit to our ministries in Asia (I’m going to refrain from using names of countries, places or people due to the increasing difficulty of operations in some of these contexts: many of our field staff are facing increasing scrutiny, opposition and pressure. Since these updates are easily found on the… Continue reading Trains, Planes, and Automobiles – Asia Ministry Reflections Part 1


A View from the Chair – Guest blog by Lawrence Metzler

As I took the chair to lead the first CGGC Ad Council Meeting since the triennial conference, the room filled with one of the most amazing teams of people I have ever had the privilege to lead. The CGGC AD Council includes: CGGC Staff, Regional Directors, Advisory members, and the newly elected delegates from the… Continue reading A View from the Chair – Guest blog by Lawrence Metzler


The Global Advocate is late (and I want you to know why)

You were supposed to receive your copy of the newly redesigned Global Advocate (replacing both The Church Advocate and The Missionary Signal) a couple of weeks ago. You don’t have it yet. This is a different kind of post. It is partly a point of information: The Global Advocate is running late. It is coming,… Continue reading The Global Advocate is late (and I want you to know why)